

Easily adapted, superb trekking routes that are all surrounded by stunning scenery
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Tailormade Travel


Each of our trips to the Pyrenees is designed to specifically suit the needs of the group taking part. Operating between the French and Spanish sides of the Pyrenees, we have the choice of a number of easily adapted, superb trekking routes that are all surrounded by stunning scenery.

Our treks here are special, as the key elements of Meaning, Adventure, and Philanthropy that run through all of our programmes feature at the heart of our Pyrenean treks where we have created a very distinctive @One Programme.

The @One programme


@One truly combines our experience in adventure travel with our passion for well-being and philanthropy. Unique to our Pyrenean treks, it is a one-to-one nature-based therapeutic programme for those looking for a more intensive look at the challenges they face individually. Designed around personal needs, which are explored through daily structured sessions, in both one to one and group contexts, the programme is based around living with intent.

In the natural surroundings of the stunning mountains of the Pyrenees, moving from one mountain hut to another, there is plenty of time and space to explore, with a specific focus on reflecting on where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow. It is an opportunity to connect with ourselves, with others and with nature.

With a maximum group size of 8, treks are personally guided by Greg and Andy who organise routes, accommodation, meals and transport, leaving you free to immerse yourself in the programme and fully enjoy the @One experience. These Treks are designed to be gentle walking routes creating time and space to explore personal matters.

“With our intimate knowledge of the area we take you straight to the most beautiful spots, many of which are off the beaten track and often we’ll have the mountains to ourselves."