

Corporate Wilderness Coaching
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Corporate Coaching or Wilderness Therapy

For staff teams and individuals

We can all benefit from being more personally effective. How many of us are making a lot of effort, but seem to be getting no closer to what it is that we want? At Snowline, we believe that we could all be more effective if we have a clear idea of where we are today and where it is we want to be in the future. Once we are clear on that, we can develop sound and effective strategies that will support us in that movement.

Investing in personal effectiveness for individuals will benefit both that person and your organisation, a high performing team is always greater than the sum of its parts. It sounds simple, but it’s not so easy to achieve in practice. The basic fact is that a good team needs not only to share common goals and purpose, but to be really effective, it needs to share common values, it needs to share a vision.

We provide coaching, support and mentoring to both individual staff team members and to the team as a whole to guide and inspire people to be the best version of themselves and to fully understand their role within the team and organisation. A high performing team needs to buy into beliefs and values, a common ethos and philosophy. The intersection between the aims of the organisation and the aspirations of the individual. Members of your team need to buy into the ‘why’ your team exists. At Snowline, we can help with that. We can help you distil your ‘why’; to articulate your common purpose and to develop process-focused ways of working.

Developed with 30 years of experience working with staff teams both nationally and internationally we have designed a range of project and programme concepts that will be tailored to your needs.


Again, in remote places, at one with nature, we can work with your staff to make their efforts more focused and fulfilling, more balanced and effective using our Dynamic Balance System and our self-assessment tools.

For your organisation

Furthermore we inspire organisations to develop clear Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies, helping companies to work out how to accept responsibility for their impact on society. Motivated ourselves by social change, through the Snowline Foundation, we are committed to making a difference to the lives of those less fortunate, and in doing so we invite organisations to join us in our philanthropic quest and become involved in the work of the Foundation.

For your organisation