Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage

Our ’Call of the Wild Rites of Passage’ programme
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A modern day Rite of Passage for 18 to 25 year olds
that will develop adaptability, resilience, confidence, empowerment, maturity, and a clarity of vision that will inspire a young person to live a rich and meaningful life.

Our ’Call of the Wild Rite of Passage’ programme is designed for young adults to mark a transition into adult life giving them the opportunity to engage in a “Hero’s and heroine’s Journey” of their own.

Learning to take responsibility for decisions and exploring their human-nature in nature, will deepen and transform a sense of purpose, and commitment to a life of meaning, adventure and philanthropy. This journey begins with a call to adventure (as described by Campbell), an impulse as ancient as humanity.

This unique experience has been designed by Greg and Andy, both steeped in guiding personal development journeys in wild places with young people. 

Operating from two double sea kayaks two young adults will journey together on the west coast of Scotland undergoing a physical, emotional, and spiritual challenge, spending time in wild and remote places and embracing adventure and uncertainty.

Participants will be selected by interview where they will need to demonstrate an understanding of the commitment, and a desire to take part.

They will engage with the Snowline “Dynamic Balance” concept to think about how to consider meaning and purpose as guiding principles and think about bringing balance to their lives by service to others and will also be prepared for and undertake a solo experience which enables time to reflect on where they are today, and where it is they want to be tomorrow.

This will not be an easy journey, but it will be a worthwhile one.

The Transition from Child to Adulthood

We believe the passage from childhood into adulthood has never been less defined. Leaving education and childhood behind has become blurred as our children no longer automatically enter the adult world in the workplace as teenagers. Current education norms keep young adults out of full independent maturity for longer – they leave school later, often attending university and resuming life in the family home at the end of their studies. Nowadays the age-old tradition of “flying the nest” has become less common and traditional passage into independent adulthood has become an old-fashioned notion. At Snowline we understand there are two aspects of leaving home. The first, leaving the home physically, is straightforward, but leaving the home emotionally, learning to take responsibility for one’s own destiny, journey and place in society, is by far the most challenging aspect.
Just like becoming a pilot, flying solo for the first time is a big step.

The tradition of Rites of Passage

In more traditional cultures, the transition from childhood to adulthood was marked by ritual Rites of Passage. Somewhere around the age of thirteen, young men and women would undergo rites and rituals to mark their passage from childhood into the adult ranks of their society.

Part and parcel of traditional and ritual rites of passage was a challenge to leave the thinking of childhood behind and through some hardship and reflection, to adopt the sense of responsibility that becoming a functioning adult requires.

The modern idea of a year spent partying and travelling the world, does little to induct young people into the ranks of mature adulthood and adopt new ways of thinking.

The “Call to Adventure” as described by Joseph Campbell in The Hero’s Journey, hardly describes the modern rite of passage, a gap year in Thailand.